History Lesson: Part 3
Posted by Lori | Posted in | Posted on 8:41 AM
Sitting in Malayerba reading through the 50 pages of class notes that I have serendipitously acquired and I come across:
"todos los productos estaban racionados, no se daba más de 200 gramos de pan al día por persona, no más de un litro de aceite al mes."
referring to the rationing of food during Franco's dictatorship.
And I think about how little a liter of oil a month is, especially considering the cooking style I've come to know as Spanish.
Considering Spanish cooking, I start to file through my mental photo album of the kitchens in which I have cooked while in Spain. One image repeats itself: that of a slightly dirty frying pan with remaining oil resting in the bottom. The pan is placed either inside the turned off oven or atop the stove. It appears in nearly every Spanish kitchen.
People are always saving their oil. Even the little bit that remains after cooking is left in the pan and used tomorrow.
One liter of oil a month, that isn't much.